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Vicar-Rev Mark, son of former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey arrested over historic child sex abuse claims

The Archbishop of Canterbury with his son Rev Mark Carey

Still unsure how other people perceive the continual allegations around Priests and Reverends in sexual harassment and child sexual assaults. Considering the fact that these are respected personalities with power and responsibilities towards setting the standard of morals in the communities we live, yet disappointing the community and betraying the trust; for me, I would ask why do we need them? Church and worship should dwell in our hearts and not led or represented by another person whom we hardly know.

Rev. Mark, as known by all has been accused of child sexual abuse, said to have happened years back when he was a lot younger. Following this accusation, which is said to be historic abuse, he has now been suspended by church of England and being investigated.

Please parents, lets protect our children!

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