What a captivating heading you would think. Of course "doing enough to protect children from neglect" is what we are preaching; but my question is: where is this neglect most secretly construed? Now everyone may seem confused. The authorities are too fast to accuse parents of neglect whilst those who are seen as the righteous are, under the umbrella of giving care and safeguarding children, abusing these same vulnerable children emotionally and neglecting them.
If a child comes home and says to you; mum, dad, our miss told some kids that she does not care if they got the answers wrong or right as long as she still got her job and her bills are paid and her son is doing his A Level and her 4 yrs old knows English and Maths, that in fact she does not think that they (the children she is meant to be teaching ), would pass their SATS, what would you do?
From my definition of professional ethics, she is a failure to teaching profession, she is demoralising the children, making them lack in confidence, destroying their self-esteem, emotionally abusing them!!! this animal should then not be allowed around any child.
Failing to provide and protect for a child under your care is negligence of duty of care and a massive neglect in care. These could in time affect the development of the child or children.
Our children are the future, let us build a confident life for them now rather than kill their future..
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