Are you for or against violence?
My study background makes me understand violence as an act of intentional use of force against another person, or group of people. An act which is mostly leading to causing the other person or group of people to get hurt; physically or sometimes psychologically; for instance fighting, bullying, gang related and most recently social media.
School violence as we are aware is fast growing and involves violence that occurred with the premises of the school, on the way to or from school, during a school sponsored event or whilst going to or returning from any such event sponsored by the school event.
According to a survey carried out by Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System shows an overview on the trend of school violence in US
These behaviors are what I remember every education board preaches against; well i thought so until this SHOCKING CLIP by Metro online, where a Texas school has been accused of hosting a fight in the school premises, titled "Junior High Coaches Host Fight"
Although the Nichols School spokesman has denied the school sanctioned the fight and that claims that the teacher who was present was a supply teacher and has been reported suspended; I am sure parents do see a level of responsibility clinging around the school as an authority whom you have entrusted your child's safety to. The school should be responsible for giving the supply teacher a role in the school as a teacher. How thoroughly was the DBS carried out?
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