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Human brain and dehydration

Facts about the brain


It is unbelievable how the human brain functions. Through life experiences, from my opinion, I believe the human brain is not only just the control room for human beings but it is also a determinant of healthy life.  For instance,  through the composition of human brain,  there is a reasonable assumption that  the brain condition may determine the mode of a human being. In order to understand this better, I would try to explain a few things about the brain.
A human's day-to-day activity is controlled by the brain from what you say to what you do how you think or how you walk are all controlled by the brain. The Brain makes decisions for a person, it allows them feel or think, it also controls their body’s parts . Understanding the brain would enable us understand our moods. Therefore, if the brain controls our feelings, then,  it may be wise to see how the brain could determine a person's mental health; for instance someone who is depressed maybe a side effect of how the brain is being conditioned.
This fact may sound very lame, but, your brain is 73% water it takes only 2% dehydration to affect your attention, memory and other cognitive skills. This simply means that dehydration can affect the homeostatic function of the internal environment. This can adversely affect the cognitive performance of human beings in skills that require psychomotor and immediate memory skills, as well as the assessment of the subjective state.
The Brain is about 2% of the body weight but uses about 20% of the body’s total energy and oxygen intake. The brain weighs about 3 pounds, 25% of the body cholesterol is based around the brain. Again, this fact makes me wonder, how could this affect the idea of cholesterol counting in meals? Not having adequate cholesterol would affect the balance level of the brain and functional skills too.

Human body and water

According to H. H. Michelle, Journal of biological chemistry 158,  “the brain and heart are composed of 73% water and the lungs are about 83% water this skin contains 64% water the muscles  and kidneys are 79% water and even the bones are watery:  31%”.
therefore to  survive, humans must consume a certain amount of water. But this  varies according to age, gender and sometimes where the person lives; as some places are hotter than others.  For instance,  a female adult needs about 2.2 liters of water a day  and a male adult needs about 3 liters a day. So  it is important that when being active for example in use of gym or exercising we must ensure to drink water. Hydration is one of the most important of the brain. Slight dehydration is a massive disadvantage, even adverse damage to a human brain sometimes,however this may not be on a long-term basis especially if the  dehydration was caused by  minor exercise. However, when exercising, we must be careful as 90 mins of vigorous exercise may lead to excessive sweating which in that space of time may temporarily shrink the brain as much as one year of aging.

My Views

Our body is what we make of it. What you drink or eat would determine what your body produces. Treating our body fairly by managing and maintaining reasonable quantity of what goes into it would mean getting the best out of it.
Lack of attention to the body and mind may be a sign that the brain is lacking in its functional skills to a certain level. Let us keep the body watery, let us keep drinking water. A glass of water in the morning before any meal is very important.

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